Created to Create


Creating beautiful things, communicating innovative ideas, connecting people and capturing stories.


Victoria Chen

I have a Bachelor of Design, majoring in Communication Design, specialising in Advertising and minoring in Digital Motion Capture from Auckland University of Technology. During my time in university, I had the privilege of going on exchange to Champlain College in Burlington, Vermont where I took classes not only in Graphic Design, but Motion Graphics, Film and 3D art too.

Since then I have worked as a freelance Graphic Designer for a book publishing company, worked with multiple non-for-profit organisations as part of the design and marketing leadership team, freelanced in lifestyle and wedding photography, was offered the opportunity to be the illustrator and designer of a NZ famous children’s cook book, led a global campaign to encourage creativity during the pandemic, and am now part of two exciting start up businesses as the lead graphic designer and photographer.

For a long time I could never decide which area of creativity I had the most passion for, but after exploring many different roles since graduating, I’ve come to realise that my true passion lies purely in the creating, communicating and connecting of people, ideas and stories.

I am a creator and communicator. I take moments, ideas, problems and stories and I use any means available to communicate it in the most beautiful and effective way.