Created to Create
I designed and created the sticker elements that would be used throughout the campaign and also designed many of the graphics for social media.

Sisterhood Fightclub

Graphic Design + Style Guide Creation

As part of my internship with the Hillsong Communications team, I conceptualised and created the Style Guide for Hillsong Sisterhood Fight Club 2022.

I designed and created the sticker elements that would be used throughout the campaign and also designed many of the graphics for social media.

I designed and created the sticker elements that would be used throughout the campaign and also designed many of the graphics for social media.

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Sisterhood is all about community and cause. It's about placing value upon womanhood and the month of October is especially focused on bringing awareness to Breast Cancer

Sisterhood is all about community and cause. It's about placing value upon womanhood and the month of October is especially focused on bringing awareness to Breast Cancer

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